The Great African Balloon Adventure - Kilimanjaro

Earlier today, I borrowed $500 from a total stranger in the queue for the plane I wanted to catch from Kilimanjaro back to Dar es Salaam. I promised I'd pay it back as soon as I got to a 'working' cash machine at Dar airport. He was very suspicious but it worked once I gave him Sam's passport. Later I'll show you a picture of Sam, and the plane that took us so far away from Dar. And also pictures of the area we plan to fly the balloon. And I'll also tell you how we missed the 7.30 pm flight back to Dar, and also the 7.30 am flight this morning. Watch this space...... I'm going to get some tea..... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We got to Dar airfield about 12 and Sam went off to file a flight plan and get the weather etc. I found a cafe and bought a couple of ham and tomato toasties to last us the 3 hour flight. Sam re-appeared wanting some dollars because they didn't accept credit cards. So I ga...