
Showing posts from February 28, 2010

Day 1 - RIPPER!

Just back from long tether with the cameraman getting braver and braver leaning out further and further.'s HOT. Pics follow soon.


Click on image for bigger version. I've been reading 'Let's talk strine' ( see below) and was comforted today with this meteorological lesson. I am much comforted now I have a better understanding of the weather here, and since it rained today, I am glad the Sarn's calmer nairt. ( Say it out loud... then again... and as you see those around you fall about laughing, you'll slowly realise you are indeed talking Strine. I can confirm its a Spewffle climb a treely.
These words were printed on a piece of paper with 'script' at the top. But it's strictly HUSH HUSH. I just thought you might be amused by it? We'll soon be going walk-about/drive-about and lose internet access so goodness knows when I'll report back. Balloonist Matt has been a great help and I just know it will all go alot smoother with him along.... especially now he has produced the last remaining missing items. (Fuel tanks ;-) Tomorrow we have a practice day, and forecast is crap - so that means the weather will be good for when it matters?

Wilpena Pound

I had a great meeting today and learned alot! I think it was Dickens who once wrote something like.....' What I have to say, the world is not ready to hear.' If you see what I mean. So I give you a picture of a dramatic view of Wilpena Pound in Flinders Ranges. It is bigger than The Ngorogoro Crater which I saw this time last year in Tanzania, and crashed into bushes to avoid. I think it would be fun to fly over - so do others in my team! 'Make it so' as Captain Kirk would say.

The Airbus A380

The airbus A380 is an amazing plane. Enormous. Two decks of passengers. Up to 600 is possible. I could plug my laptop in to a mains socket in my seat and charge the battery. It was a 2 pin socket and my Sony charger had a UK 3-pin plug. But clever old Sony have thought of this - inside the 3 pin plug casing is a 2-pin plug. I just had to unscrew the plug. But it was no ordinary screw. So off to the galley and a lovely stewardess produced an array of knives forks corkscrews for me to use. Various other members of the crew wandered past looking bemused. They seemed to trust me not to have any terrorist motives. When I finally prized the outer casing apart to reveal the 2 pin plug they almost applauded. I sat next to a woman who boarded at Singapore, along with her 8 month old son Thomas. I prepared for a noisy flight, but was pleasantly surprised to witness the soothing effects of good old breast feeding. He was good as gold.

A good book

I thought I'd grab a book from my library to occupy myself on this long flight. I've no idea what made me take this one. Published in 1965.I remember I bought another book by the same author called Fraffly Well Spoken, and there's a third I think.... Nose Tone Unturned. So I shall enjoy boring my neighbours ( if I have any) whilst winging my way to my mystery destination.

24 hours to take off.

Not long now before I head for the airport, but my list of things to do is still too long. Now where have I heard that before? CLICK. So time for some tea and stop gazing at this beautiful sky heralding a wonderful sunrise soon. I am advised to take a wide-brimmed hat. So after I took Phoebs to lunch on saturday we popped into my favourite shop ( ORVIS ) to buy a proper . panama from Ecuador . Alas...all too small. Perhaps they sell them in A....erm.....where I'm going.( Trying to keep my destination under my hat. Musn't give too much away!)