The Airbus A380

The airbus A380 is an amazing plane. Enormous. Two decks of passengers. Up to 600 is possible. I could plug my laptop in to a mains socket in my seat and charge the battery. It was a 2 pin socket and my Sony charger had a UK 3-pin plug. But clever old Sony have thought of this - inside the 3 pin plug casing is a 2-pin plug. I just had to unscrew the plug. But it was no ordinary screw. So off to the galley and a lovely stewardess produced an array of knives forks corkscrews for me to use. Various other members of the crew wandered past looking bemused. They seemed to trust me not to have any terrorist motives. When I finally prized the outer casing apart to reveal the 2 pin plug they almost applauded.

I sat next to a woman who boarded at Singapore, along with her 8 month old son Thomas. I prepared for a noisy flight, but was pleasantly surprised to witness the soothing effects of good old breast feeding. He was good as gold.


Joshua Green said…
When you first saw the plane, did you feel or think of something like, "whoa, this is definitely bigger than life, bigger than the other planes"? The manufacturer really did put a lot of work into this, making sure that everything is working well for the aircraft and its passengers. Lots of testing and certification were done. And yeah, guess they really wouldn't think you would have any sort of motive at all when you bring a tool to unscrew the plug.

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