The Great African Balloon Adventure - Victoria falls.

I am now enjoying some welcome luxury in the Zambezi Sun Hotel which offers internet connection - hooray!
We arrived at the chosen launch site this morning before sunrise to fly Chief Mukuni over his Palace. The wind was a little stromg, but we laid out the balloon full of optimism ( with a measure of apprehension in there too).
A clap of thunder and drop of rain was all I needed to call a halt and then came an experience which I shall never forget.
I had to enter Chief Mukuni's Palace for an audience and explain about the weather. Tradition required me to squat and clap 3 times before entering a small round hut where the Chief was sitting on his throne beneath 2 ENORMOUS tusks. The film guys had to all do the same so you'll be able to see it on TV in a few months!
Fate had dealt us a good hand I think because the Chief said we'd do it tomorrow instead and this time he'll supply dancers at the take off!!
So watch this space!
Meanwhile - the crew have gone off white water rafting and I'm sitting at a computer! I elected not to go so I can present my self tomorrow in one piece.
The lads fully deserve some R&R after arriving at 1 am following the drive from Shiwa House.
I'm having to make new adaptors for a different nitrogen tank valve, join the actor for high tea laid on by this smart hotel, do a recce for another launch site for tomorrow, try and find my spare Orvis shirt in someone else's laundry ( for continuity), and try and forget about the HUGE elephants that inhabit the woods which are downwind of the launch site. Photos follow when I can......

PS. WE flew from Shiwa house private strip in a Piper Chieftain...8 up from a 900metre strip. The pilot, Colin, did a first class job as he ignored the screech of the stall warning siren and *JUST* lifted the plane over the trees at the end of the runway.
Our beer never tasted so good as we shared flying stories in the bar last night.... especially when he confessed to being just 21 years old!


Lorna said…
My GOD Rob... you are lucky to be alive.....stay that way, please!!I.m just off to bed. It has been the coldest day yet.... minus 29. I stayed indoors and baked cookies and cut them into shapes.... Cabin Fever is getting to me, and your blog is the PERFECT antidote!Love Lorna

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