The Great African Balloon Adventure - the banks of the Zambezi.

yesterday I was invited to High Tea at the best Hotel in town on the banks of the Zambezi with Stephen and his girlfriend. It was simply the best tea I have ever had. Sumptuous colonial surroundings with a breathtaking choice of wonderful things to eat.
And on the wall a quote from Livingstone - "Commend me to the merry midnight frogs."
I know what he means!

Here are some pictures which I HOPE will appear. The access to cyberspace is limited so no time to describe each image.
You can enjoy guessing what on earth I was up to!

Bingo! Online by the pool with my laptop and watching monkeys stealing food from unwary American tourists! I shall shortly have to go and film a sequence about 'walking with Lions' with the local tribe in the area surrounding these beautiful Victoria Falls.
It is my earnest hope that I report back to you in one piece !!!


Susie B said…
Good to hear again - sounds wonderful and a massive contrast to here with schools closed and roads impassable! Advice from the Highways Agency today to travel with a blanket, spade and thermos or stay at home!!!
Unknown said…
Uncle Rob,

You are the coolest, craziest Uncle ever. xxxxoooo


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