The Great African Balloon Adventure - thunderstorm!

A wonderful Jo'burg thunderstorm is pouring soft rain on the road to the airport.
I am flying home on Virgin Airways with a suitcase full of stories and pictures ready to share with YOU.
Mike and Jeanette picked me up in their Rolls Royce yesterday and drove straight to a wonderful restaurant which had kept a parking space for us right outside. Once Jeanette had parked the Silver Spirit neatly we emerged from this grand old Lady to applause from both sides of the street as the open air diners showed their admiration of Jeanette's fine arrival in such style.
I last drove this car in UK when this adventurous couple drove from Cape Town to London!!Click HERE.
Enormous thanks for all your hospitality - very welcome and appreciated as I climb down from my 6 week 'High' and make my way home.