As Robin ventures out from his Old Candle Factory each morning, he will sometimes share sights, sounds,sentiments and smells.
Quite how to share a smell in cyberspace may be beyond him....
January 15 2009. London. This happened.....
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While I was starting out on the Great African balloon Adventure, this was happening in Liverpool St Station, unbeknownst to all the commuters, but beautifully prepared by the dancers.....
It's saturday. It's the weekend. So before I upload pictures from my glorious flight this morning I'll read the paper online and see how England is getting on. What do I find? Read HERE ! But don't go away... the picture of sunrise over The Murray River is magic. And who cares if the horizon is not level? Neither was the basket. It's time to introduce some of the crew. Let's start with STEVE. He is THE MAN. Look at him. Scrambling in and out of his balcony being careful not to tread on the hanging flower baskets. He is completely fearless - despite being returned to Earth a week ago at 40mph in a wicker basket and dragged across hard rocks for what seemed like an eternity. He's also good with a camera. While we are on the letter 'S' I shall tell you a bit about Sarah after lunch. I think she's studying meteorology and wants a picture of a tree being struck by lightning. She spends all her spare time lying under trees looking brave. And her c...
Frank is our director, and a jolly good job he's doing! It's a gruelling task keeping control of the schedule with so many things that scupper his plans - not the least of which is the weather! We see him here preparing for a landing amongst a herd of Buffalo and you can see his calm demeanor reassuring his fellow balloon passengers that all will be well. Standing beside Frank is Becca from the production team looking positively excited at the prospect at landing amongst Buffalo - thus demonstrating her skill at not being phased by occasional dramas and generally spreading good cheer all around and keeping control of the rest of us. Will is usually seen with a video camera bolted to his shoulder, but is seen here singing 'Jailhouse Rock' into his air microphone whilst Becca is reassuring him that the this new covered basket with seats will protect him from Buffalo on all future balloon landings. The air mike is made from sugar cane and is simply delicious, and simil...
Not much time left on my allocation here in a computer room in a hotel in Mwanza on the shore of Lake Victoria. Oli and Phoebe almost in shouting distance! The cameraman and sound man are queuing up to use the pc so I can tell you that we are flying to Rwanda in the morning - KIgali is a lovely town and I'm looking forward to seeing the scenery. And witness the new approach to life taken by all the inhabitants. I am due to tether the balloon on thursday and take kids up from an orphanage, We enjoyed a commercial balloon flight in the Serengeti because my balloon was not allowed to fly. So the champagne breakfast tasted extra good with no responsibilities. The campsite that has been my home for 2 nights had the most spectacular sounds all around - particularly the hippos about 100 feet away in the river. Truly Africa! The guys are champing at the bit so I'm off to find tea, and will reappear before long....