The Great African Balloon Adventure - Cricket and crocodiles.

A hasty greeting using up my last computer time with a mish mash of images from recent adventures in Botswana and Zambia.
Tomorrow we depart from 2 days driving to Namibia where I look forward to some fantastic flights.
Yesterday I thought I was dreaming when late afternoon I heard the familiar sound of leather on willow and sure enough, here in Botswana Okavango swamps, an impromptu game of cricket was being played the other side of the river from our Crocodile Camp by the neighbouring folk. Perhaps those who operate the Sir Osis of the River?
And I've just had a call from MIke and Jeanette from Jo'burg who drove their Rolls Royce from Cape Town to UK last summer ( see HERE!) and I shall meet up with them after this great adventure is finally over. Whoopee!

I can see an evening of taller and taller stories being exchanged!!!!!!

Bon Voyage to Mum and Lindy who are setting out in Lin's Volvo Amazon for deepest France to stay with Nick Sarah Emma and Vita.... I wish I could be with you.

So we are all gadding about the world avoiding British weather :-)

Click on an image for bigger version.

Ashers bravely taming a wild Cheetah !


Susie B said…
Lovely, lovely stuff - looking forward to the stories to go with the fab pics. Off to snowy Switzerland today and will hope to keep up via 'on line' facilities there.
Keep it coming... xxx

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