The Great African Balloon Adventure - back at The Old Candle Factory.

I am back in Blighty on a foggy sunday morning after a 10 hour flight in a Virgin plane called 'Tinker Bell'. I like the way the planes all have names - a bit like Eddie Stobbart's trucks.

The air hostesses were fascinated to learn I had taught their boss to fly a balloon. They kept my wine glass topped up during dinner :-)

Huge thanks to the lovely Diana for collecting me and delivering me home - and bringing some fresh milk for my empty fridge xx

And thanks to the 3 armed Police who created such a drama as they boarded the plane at Heathrow and told us all to remain seated as they made their way to a person possibly help them with their enquiries?
Imagine my surprise when they carted of a bemused gentleman who looked for all the world like Sam, our innocent law-abiding logistics/transport expert. Surely it couldn't have been him......could it??
Anyway - once the poor fellow was in their custody we were allowed off the plane to make our way home.


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