The Great African Balloon Adventure - beginnings....

All the countries visited in this Great African Balloon Adventure were firsts for me.
Most of my African ballooning has been done in Kenya - at a traditional tented safari camp called Governors' Camp
A selection of pictures taken there can be found HERE.

I have a fund of precious memories from my years spent at Governors' and I long to return. But as I recall the events of the last 6 weeks travelling across Africa from the Indian Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean I feel immensely privileged to have been part of this fabulous adventure and to have rubbed shoulders with some extraordinary people.

How all the footage can be compressed into 3 episodes is beyond me - I take my hat off to the skills of the editing profession. But I sense that Will and Woody have editors' hats on as well as camaraman hats. And if that is true, then heaven knows how many hats are perched on Frank's head.

I am about to join a young lady for dinner and should be preparing for that rather than waxing lyrical about recent emotional pleasures, so bear with me. You know I'll continue.

Meanwhile here's another picture from Governors' camp......

You're not even safe inside a supermarket!!


Unknown said…
Everybody loves you
Unknown said…
Or Elephant in love.

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